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Creating Custom Constraints

In this example, we create custom constraints, mainly a RigidBody hanging on a rope firmly. We'll also simulate the RigidBody by applying wind forces to it. The final result will look like the following:


Firstly, we require the module and initialize the engine. It is important to set a frame for the canvas if we wish to render constraints on screen.

local canvas =
local Nature2D = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Nature2D)

local viewport = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize

local Engine = Nature2D.init(
Engine:SetPhysicalProperty("CollisionMultiplier", 0.1)
Engine:CreateCanvas(, 0), viewport, canvas)

Next, we choose an anchor point, this is the point the rope hangs on from.

local Anchor = Engine:Create("Point", {
Position =, 0),
Visible = false,
Snap = true, -- prevent the point from changing positions
KeepInCanvas = false -- or use Anchor:KeepInCanvas(false) instead of the property

We then create a RigidBody and connect the anchor and the RigidBody with a constraint.

local RigidBodyFrame =
local Body = Engine:Create("RigidBody", {
Object = RigidBodyFrame,
Collidable = true,
Anchored = false

local TopLeftCorner = Body:GetVertices()[1]

-- I set the constraint type to be a rope. You can use Rod or Spring as well!
local Rope = Engine:Create("Constraint", {
Type = "Rope",
Point1 = Anchor,
Point2 = TopLeftCorner,
Visible = true,
Thickness = 3,
Color =, 1, 1) -- set constraint color to white (or use Rope:Stroke(, 1, 1)))

We now apply random wind forces to the RigidBody to complete the simulation!

Engine:Start() -- start the simulation

while task.wait() do
local random =
Body:ApplyForce(, 0.5), 0)) -- apply a random wind force

There you go! You now have a simulation with custom constraints. These constraints can also be used to connect multiple RigidBodies with each other as well as to create custom RigidBodies and SoftBodies!